This site is for members of our family to start blogging their craft, cooking, painting or any creative project!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Art Journalling 2012

So....... I started art journalling this year (thank you to, it is a really good way of working on small projects that fill that creative need and also fabulous because you can carry it with you anywhere.  No need to cart big canvases along with you when you can just pull out your journal and starting painting, doodling or drawing etc.  

Anyway here are a few pics of what is in my journal so far.  I love the doodles and want to put this onto canvas, paint it with my Carne Dache water soluble crayons and make pillows for my lounge out of them!

Needs something to finish it off, I will come back to it!

Doodle Do!

I love to Doodle!

Paint crayons and doodles!

I put a filter over this, kind of like it!

1 comment:

  1. I love what you've done, Lisa. I am soooo not a doodler, but you have the knack!

    Thank you for adding the Mixed Media Art Directory button to your sidebar. It's very much appreciated!

    Hugs, Cia
